Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Preparing the Way

Enjoying God's Beauty

Good day!! Our summer was filled with many wonderful mission teams coming to serve the Bahamian people in many different ways. Some places the teams served are: the Haitian communities building churches, doing VBS, painting at Preschool and working on Anna's House, the Bahamas Association for the Physically Disabled, Great Commissions Ministry (intercity soup kitchen), Children's Emergency Hostile (orphanage), All Saints Camp, and Music Ministries around the island. Many other projects were completed here at the camp and the Centre. It was very busy, hot and humid but GOD IS GOOD!! He gave us the strength and endurance to make it through.  We were able to take a month for some rest and time with family and friends in Wisconsin. It was great to be home and see everyone.

Now that we are back and things have slowed down a bit, we are preparing the way for the groups that will be coming in. There are some local groups that we will be serving in the near future. So, there is no time to waste, cleaning, maintaining, tearing down and soon building back up again. Our youth night has started back up again for the school year. The youth night has expanded to every Friday this school year. The first was slow but the second night we had over 40 students from 7th grade to 12th. The youth enjoyed song time, games, devotions, some basketball and snacks. We pray that the Lord brings the youth here that he wants us to minister to.
Game Time

With the summer ending, we are now able to serve once a week at All Saints Camp again. Helping Tim and Felicia Ryan serve lunches and work on other projects that need to be done. 
Cleaning room for a resident

Tearing down cabin 3 to be replaced with a bigger one with more beds


All gone now waiting for teams to come and build the new one

Replacing septic tank cover
Now some pictures of our animal friends:

Hen and her babies

Momma duck and her babies

Indian Crested Porcupines
  • for all the people in the Southern Bahamas that were affected by the Hurricane
  • Continued success of our Friday Night Youth Ministry
  • for our upcoming Young Adult Weekend (YAW)
  • for our continued financial support.
  • for mission teams to come and help build our new cabin by January
  • for all the staff at the ALC&C as they are away from their families


  • that New Providence (Nassau) was spared from the Hurricane
  • all the mission teams that served and blessed the Bahamian people
  • new staff that have come to serve
  • for all of our friendships
  • for the abilities to do what we need to do to bring glory to our Lord


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