Monday, May 25, 2015

Go into the world and preach good news to all creation.
Mark 16:15

We still cannot believe that God has brought us here to the Bahamas where it is soooo beautiful!!
The clear blue water that can wash your cares away. The Bahamians believe that the salt water will cure any ailment. As far as we are concerned it brings such peace and relaxation to be by the water. It has been about 16 months that we have been serving here and it still amazes us.

A month of so ago we had a fire in the bush behind camp property. It took about a week to put out. Thanks to the ALC staff that spent many long hours keeping the fire away from the camp grounds and buildings. All being done with backpacks with sprayer carrying 4 gallons of water and 5 gallon jugs of water.            

                  There have been many groups here to keep us busy. Below are just 2 of them.
                                                 SoFree music group from Mobile, Alabama

                                                    Life Church from Richmond, Virginia

Many projects have been going on, some with the help of groups, to keep the camp maintained.

                                             Replacing fencing that someone hit.
Adding gravel to worn out paths.

Replacing rotten siding on our office building
There is never a dull moment at the Adventure Learning Centre and Camp.
Our granddaughter, Annabelle, requested pictures of animals, so here are a few that we have.

And many more.
And of course, our Youth Outreach has been going very well. We have a good core group of leaders and youth that are attending every other Friday night. In June we will wrap up our youth nights until school starts again in September. We are thankful for all the youth that God has brought here and pray that we can continue to reach out and bring in more in the future.
 Game time
Singing praises with SoFree
We continue to help Tim and Felicia Ryan at All Saints Camp.
The dining hall/hurricane shelter is nearing completion.
Tearing down old run down building to make way for a new dorm.
We hope that gives everyone a glimpse of what is happening in our world. God is doing great things here through the many different missions and missionaries. Who knew "that we were created for such a time as this" Ester 4:14
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
the name of the LORD is to be praised.
Psalms 113:3
  • That we continue to listen to God's call in our lives.
  • For all the seeds that have been planted in the lives of all who have passed through the gates of the Centre and Camp (foreign and local).
  • For our financial support to continue.
  • For the health and safety of our family back home.
  • For the mission teams that will serve here through out the summer.
  • For the Bahamian people to accept God into their hearts.

  • For all the projects completed.
  • For the mission teams that have served here.
  • For all the prayers and support.
  • For our health and safety.
  • For all the continued blessings God has put in our lives.

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