Saturday, February 21, 2015

Long overdue post

      Hello everyone,
We didn't realize it had been so long since we made a post so we will do our best to update you on what's been happening here.
      It has been a nice cool winter here so far this year, with the temp's in the mid 70's during the day and dropping into the 60's at night. I know our Wisconsinite followers feel really bad for us having to deal with the hardship of winter here, but I promise I won't rub it in too much!!
      So much has happened since our last post it's hard to know where to start. Our primary duties here still include serving mission teams, that come here to serve the Bahamian people at Adventure Learning Centre and Camp. Our duties include, but certainly are not limited to, providing transportation to  and from the airport, transportation to mission work sites, camp style housing with meals provided by a wonderful camp cook (Judi). Camp cleaning and maintenance and just about anything else that may need doing. We also have set aside one day per week that Judi and I serve at All Saints Camp, alongside Tim and Felicia Ryan.
     We have had the privilege of serving mission teams from all over the United States and Canada and have developed some great friendships with a wide variety of  fellow Christians to be the hands and feet for the Lord in the Bahamas. We have the privilege of serving along side a wonderful, caring and loving staff that make it a true joy serving here.

      As time goes on here and we get to know the Bahamian people and the wide range of needs here, Tim, our camp director, has been expanding our work site's for the mission teams to serve at, so we may better serve the people here. Some of our work sites we serve at with mission teams or on our own through our local Methodist church (Global Village) are All Saints Camp, Great commission Ministries, Children's Emergency Hostel( orphanage), Nazareth Center(orphanage), Anna's house, Primary school programs, Christmas lights drive through, Easter fun day at the Centre, Friday night youth outreach at Camp just to name a few.

      As of Jan. 1st 2015 the Bahamas has started a new VAT (value added tax) We ask for you prayers for the Bahamian people and our financial support. The government added a 7.5%  tax on to the cost of everything. This makes it very difficult for the Bahamian people and ourselves to provide for every day essentials that are already very expensive compared to other parts of the world.

 Some of the specific things to pray for are;
  • We ask for your continued prayers for our ministry here.
  • Continued relationships with our work sites.
  • Our development of the youth night here at camp.
  • The Bahamian people that we may continue to humbly serve them.
  • Gods continued protection over us and this ministry.
  • Our continued financial support
   Sorry, we were going to post some pictures but are having difficulty doing that.  We will try a new blog for just some update pictures.
   We are praying for everyone back in the states.
God Bless!!
Bob and Judi