Monday, October 13, 2014

New outreach ministry!!

All is well here in the Bahamas. It has been a very hot and humid summer and its finally starting to cool off a little bit.
  We are very excited to announce a new outreach ministry here at Adventure Learning Centre Camp. Friday night youth night!!  The Adventure Learning Centre Camp was originally founded by Jack and Audrey as Joy Bible Camp. Jack and Audrey had to discontinue the camp do to health reasons and returned to Canada. About twenty years ago it was taken over by Adventure Learning Centre. Unfortunately at that time the camp was not continued as it had been until now!! With the help and cooperation of former Joy Bible Camp campers and staff the vision to revitalize the camp is becoming reality!  After several planning and organizing meetings we decided to start with a Joy Bible camp reunion and a Friday night youth night. We had a great turnout for both events and consider it a huge success!!! We ask for your continued prayers and support as we move forward to continue and expand this ministry.

 This is a few of the former Joy Bible camp team members that were a huge part of getting this ministry revitalized to serve the children of the Bahamas.

We had 38 youth from grades 7 through 12 at our first youth night!!
Tim and Mindy Seeley started the evening off with a welcome and introductions.
Uncle Teddy delivering the message for the evening.
Fun was had by all during game time
Please continue to pray for us;
  Gods guidance in our ministry, prayers for Gods will to be accomplished through us and this ministry. Our care and safety as we serve him.
   Thank you for all your prayers and support.
 May God bless you, Bob & Judi Balson  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Welcome to our first blog post!! Finally!!

So many things have happened in the last six months, it will be difficult to catch up with everything that has happened. Sorry it has taken so long to get our blog up and running but we have been very busy. This is the first time we have done anything like this so bare with us as we figure this out .
 Finally!!!  Something we have been waiting for a very long time. Sixteen month to be exact. Our work permits have finally come through from immigration YAY!!! I guess that means we can stay for a while now.
We will try and post on our blog on a regular basis and hopefully catch everyone up with some of the things that have happened in the last six months.

Stay tuned.... God Bless
Bob and Judi